Sunday, August 03, 2008


We spend lots of time reading books on the church and how we should be or shouldn't be. We are Baptist and Methodist, Emergent and Emerging, Missional and Charismatic. Millions and millions are spent each year on figuring out what truth is. I wounder if this is what Jesus had in mind. I wounder if he wanted what is happening right now. Are we Disciples of Shane Caliborn, Donald Miller, Rob Bell, James Dobson, Billy Graeme, our local pastor. Last I checked we were to follow Jesus, and what he said. Dont get me wrong I think these people are great, but they all have something wrong with them, they all are flawed in some way. Missing the mark. i just read this afternoon in my Bible when Jesus says There is only ONE that is good. So why do we put all our faith and stalk in people who arnt good. My wish is that I follow Jesus, that when I read books on faith or social justice, or anything else I would be able to put aside my political, religious, prejudices, and what not and see things in the light of what the Word of God says. Without God's Word, its all worth nothing. I'm sick of following others and not Jesus. I believe these guys have somthing to say and to challenge the church of today, but my question to myslf is who am I following, Them, or the Jesus in them...


Unknown said...

I love that last line:)

I can relate to your frustration!

Allie said...

wise words steve. i know what you mean. we have all of these christian mega star celebrities, but shouldn't christ be the star? we need to get back to the heart of things and give the glory to the one who deserves it.